Ash Wednesday, March 5

Ash Wednesday, March 5
The singing of this hymn is included in the Ash Wednesday worship services,
12:00 n and 7:00 pm in the sanctuary.
Both will include the imposition of ashes.

God, Be the Love to Search and Keep Me
Hymn tune: Green Tyler
©2004, Richard Bruxvoort Colligan

God, be the love to search and keep me
God be the prayer to move my voice
God be the strength to now uphold me
O Christ, surround me; O Christ, surround me

Bind to myself the Name of Holy
Great cloud of witnesses enfold
Prophets, apostles, angels witness
O Christ, surround me; O Christ, surround me

Brightness of sun and glow of moonlight
Flashing of lightning, strength of wind
Depth of the sea to soil of planet
O Christ, surround me; O Christ, surround me

Walking behind to hem my journey
Going ahead to light my way
And from beneath, above, and all ways
O Christ, surround me; O Christ, surround me

Christ in the eyes of all who see me
Christ in the ears that hear my voice
Christ in the hearts of all who know me
O Christ, surround me; O Christ, surround me

This hymn is a 21st century adaptation of the traditional Celtic prayer style known as a lorica 
(Latin for “armor” or “breastplate”). It is based on an example attributed to St. Patrick.

Lift in prayer today

Renguti School, children at New Life Homes Renguti and the Mathare slums, and our mission trip participants in Kenya today